What I do
I met economics during my second Master´s degree, at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and it was love at first sight. I had a thrilling stint as research economist for JP Morgan that convinced me that no other job could be as rewarding as one that involved engaging with economics. When I did my PhD in Economics at the University of California, Davis, my objective was to gain the tools I needed to be able to research policy and identify changes that would make a difference in people´s economic lives. This led me to study labor market regulation and other institutions to see what role they play in promoting employment, security, development, innovation and other outcomes that benefit us all. The time series I developed on labor market rigidity since World War II for the developed countries is still used by leading researchers and institutions like the World Bank, IMF and the OECD. My research focus has always been practical: what works? how can it be reformed? who has tried it and how did it work for them?
Like many economists, my work invariably means talking with the press. Sometimes –particularly in moments of crisis– I´m a frequent presence in leading international media, which leads me to believe that bad news does get the most attention! I spent several years as a journalist early in my career, and I enjoy talking to and writing in the media because it is another way to help people understand issues and arrive at conclusions that are backed by evidence.
But my true passion is teaching. It´s easy to find meaning as a professor, when you face a classroom of young adults and you can help them think through current issues and see how empirical data points you in certain directions. I love to see them learn how to ask the right questions and approach situations with the mindset of a trained economist, who looks at correctly-presented data, knows what is “normal” and what is not, and can make conclusions based on the evidence, while also recalling that the economy is a complex, living organism and not a set of rigid or simplistic rules. Since economic news is new every morning, there is never a dull moment in the classroom! I cannot imagine a better job than teaching economics to graduate students. At one point in my career I was drawn into administration, but I made a deliberate decision to leave management battles and endless meetings and return to the classroom and research.
As a professor, I have been privileged to live on the vanguard of a changing educational world. I began to teach “blended” programs at IE Business School early in the 21st century, and have since become a leader in techniques for remote teaching. I have been a pioneer in developing simulators, games and multimedia exercises to enhance learning, and many of my exercises have won local and international prizes and attention. I have written three ebooks on economics as well. I also created one of the IE´s first MOOCs (massive open online courses) shortly after Coursera was launched, and I presently have three MOOCs on Coursera and my own economics specialization there. I have had hundreds of thousands of students in these MOOCs, and the number continues to rise.
The last decade of my career has been marked by a profound interest in Africa. Perhaps it was because of its geographical proximity to Spain, or the mystery of a continent I knew so little about. I began to do research on development issues focusing on Africa, created an Africa elective at the IE, and eventually became engaged with efforts to alleviate poverty there. I created a small foundation, Wuha Sira, which promotes water access and women´s education in Ethiopia, and I have led IE students on volunteering trips to Ethiopia for several years.
As my professional life approaches its last decade, it´s more and more clear to me that the only thing that will outlive us is what we have done for others. Research is valuable and in the best-case scenario it may even inform policy decisions or promote changes that improve lives. Teaching is rewarding and may transform the way that students see the world and even, ultimately and ideally, the way they live their lives. These are very desirable outcomes. But kindness, compassion and truth are much bigger than any of these, and they truly change lives. I hope that my legacy will include acts of justice and mercy that will live on as the years go by.
All of this is about what I do. But who am I?
I am a wife and mother, an academic, a good friend to my friends, an activist, a citizen of a complex and troubled world, a woman of faith. My privileged life has taken me across all the continents and helped me to appreciate, albeit superficially, the rich diversity of our world. I was born in beautiful California, and the United States is the home of my heart, even though I have lived most of my adult life in Europe and traveled widely elsewhere. My husband is Spanish and I have five fascinating, gifted, intelligent children who are scattered around the globe. I love languages and learned three while I had the sharp memory of a youngster. Nothing else gives you the same insight into how another culture sees the world.
Life is all of one piece, and I try to keep all of the parts of my life coherent with my deepest values. My byword is this: “what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6: 8)
Gayle Allard worked as an international journalist for many years and continues to maintain regular contact with the international press in English and Spanish. She sees the task of clear communication about key issues in the media as a fundamental part of her role as an academic. The listing below includes mainly articles where she is quoted as a source, although some are authored by her.
- DF, 1/11/2024, El mercado pone la mira en la amenaza inflacionaria mas allá de Trump o Harris, https://www.df.cl/senal-df/factor-economico/el-mercado-pone-la-mira-en-la-amenaza-inflacionaria-mas-alla-de-trump-o
- RTVE España, 16/10/2024, Elecciones en Estados Unidos 2024: ¿determinará la economía el resultado? https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/economia-en-24-horas/elecciones-estados-unidos-2024-economia/16290964/
- TELEDIARIO 2, 23/07/2024, Candidatos presidenciales en EE.UU. disputan millonarias recaudaciones de fondos para campañas. https://public.reputation.onclusive.com/Public/NewsDigestKiosk?ticket=5AE1AD5243788C9AB8C2365B055484DC679EFC16E33E37F6D625E100F8AA390ACE4A3BF5B072BC1E8600D57C6BDB3B80E861ED0DCDFDF4F1387D17CD90437FC091F1833223E65E506F96856F9E890DCC116E878948FD6A628FE9B393A6B4F5B9A1AEEB0E9C0AF4ADB5511DA09FF076AEC2C8226C7EB73E3704BC372B71841F30
- EL PAIS, 25/03/2024, Estados unidos compra más a México que a china por fin
https://www.elpais.com.uy/economia-y-mercado/estados-unidos-compra-mas-a-mexico-que-a-china-por-fin - BLOOMBERG, 08/03/2024, Ai’s impact on labour market is small says IE University’s Allard
- DW ESPANOL, 28/07/2023, Espiral de deuda países pobres demuestra que el sistema financiero mundial no funciona
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjt7ntFnm7o - NTN 24, 13/03/2023, ¿Pudo evitarse el colapso del Silicon Valley Bank en Estados Unidos?
https://www.ntn24.com/programas/cuestion-de-poder/pudo-evitarse-el-colapso-del-silicon-valley-bank-407745 - IE, 16/03/2023
https://ie.workplace.com/groups/1745013392439870/permalink/3458619404412585/?request_id=khjanibmlnbenngephjelpmeoddahajnnllgliaa&login_type=1 - DW ESPANOL, 4/01/2023, Un tercio de la economía mundial estará en recesión en 2023, según FMI
- AMERICA ECONOMIA, 14/12/2022, Limites de precio al petróleo ruso quien saldrá ganando
https://www.americaeconomia.com/analisis-opinion/limites-de-precio-al-petroleo-ruso-quien-saldra-ganando - 5 DIAS, 14/12/2022, Limites de precio al petroleo ruso quien saldra ganando https://www.5dias.com.py/columnas/limites-de-precio-al-petroleo-ruso-quien-saldra-ganando
- IE, 14/12/2022/ Is weaponizing oil backfiring on Russia https://www.ie.edu/insights/articles/is-weaponizing-oil-backfiring-on-russia/
- RADIO UNAL, 25/11/2022/ Harina de grillos, escarabajos o cucarachas
http://radio.unal.edu.co/detalle/harina-de-grillos-escarabajos-o-cucarachas - ANTENA 3, 15/11/2022, Importantes lecciones que dejan elecciones eeuu según Gayle Allard: ‘La inflación y el aborto importan’
https://www.antena3.com/noticias/mundo/importantes-lecciones-que-dejan-elecciones-eeuu-segun-gayle-allard-inflacion-aborto-importan_20221109636bdfb7ac67a20001afcfea.html - NEWSEU, 22/10/2022, Energy crisis: Why an LNG tanker traffic jam is building off the coast of Spain
https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2022-10-22/Fuel-crisis-Why-is-there-an-LNG-tanker-traffic-jam-off-Spain-s-coast–1ejSGmZIXO8/index.html - NTN24, 28/10/2022, Economía en EEUU vuelve a crecer tras año y medio en caída
https://www.ntn24.com/programas/cuestion-de-poder/economia-en-eeuu-vuelve-a-crecer-tras-ano-y-medio-402247 - FOCO, 27/07/2022Inflación de oferta, medidas (a medio plazo) que pueden aliviar
https://foco.lanacion.com.py/2022/07/27/inflacion-de-oferta-medidas-a-medio-plazo-que-pueden-aliviar/ - EL ADELANTADO, 21/07/2022, Inflación de oferta, medidas (a medio plazo) que pueden aliviar
https://www.eladelantado.com/opinion/tribuna/inflacion-de-oferta-medidas-a-medio-plazo-que-pueden-aliviar/ - AMERICA ECONOMIA, 20/07/2022, Inflación de oferta medidas a medio plazo que pueden aliviar
https://www.americaeconomia.com/opinion/inflacion-de-oferta-medidas-a-medio-plazo-que-pueden-aliviar - SPUTNIK NEWS, 18/07/2022, Tax Cuts Not the Remedy: Tory Candidates Have No Realistic Plan to Tackle UK Crisis, Observers Admit
https://sputniknews.com/20220712/tax-cuts-not-the-remedy-tory-candidates-have-no-realistic-plan-to-tackle-uk-crisis-observers-admit-1097241110.html - KURIER, 09/06/2022, Kein Personal für die Touristen in Spanien https://kurier.at/chronik/welt/kein-personal-fuer-die-touristen-in-spanien/402036632
- POETS AND QUANTS, 24/05/2022, Where Opportunities Are Scarce, Students In This Program Help Create More https://poetsandquantsforexecs.com/news/where-opportunities-are-scarce-students-in-this-program-help-create-more/
- IE University, 30/01/2022, The Economic War Forecast | Lee Newman & Gayle Allard
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XBWH5gCQ38 - CHINADAILY, 03/01/2022, Nixon visit shows need for care on ties https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202203/01/WS621d7cf2a310cdd39bc897b7.html
- NTN24/ 18/02/2022, 4 días de trabajo y flexibilidad de horarios; ¿cómo puede afectar a las empresas la propuesta de reforma laboral de Bélgica? https://www.ntn24.com/programas/cuestion-de-poder/4-dias-laborales-y-flexibilidad-en-horario-reforma-laboral-de-belgica
- PORTAFOLIO, 31/01/2022, El primer examen: un año de Joe Biden en la presidencia
https://www.portafolio.co/revista-portafolio/el-primer-examen-de-joe-biden-en-la-presidencia-561153 - CHINADAILY, 12/01/2022, Cold reality of energy missteps sets in https://epaper.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202201/12/WS61de3104a3108267e132147a.html
- EL PAIS, 16/01/2022, Un año nuevo con mejas para los trabajadores españoles https://elpais.com/economia/negocios/2022-01-16/un-ano-nuevo-con-mejoras-para-los-trabajadores-espanoles.html#?prm=copy_link
- https://ie.workplace.com/profile.php?id=100015157031236
- CHINADAILT, 18/11/2021, Sino-US talks open space for bilateral cooperation https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202111/18/WS61961225a310cdd39bc76217.html
- IE INSIGHTS, 26/10/2021, Multilateral Effort to Tackle Tax Evasion https://www.ie.edu/insights/articles/global-minimum-tax/
- EL UNIVERSO, 1/11/2021, Esfuerzo multilateral para combatir la evasión fiscal https://www.eluniverso.com/opinion/columnistas/esfuerzo-multilateral-para-combatir-la-evasion-fiscal-nota/
- GESTION, 1/11/2021, Esfuerzo multilateral para combatir la evasión fiscal https://gestion.pe/?signwallPremium=1&ref=/opinion/esfuerzo-multilateral-para-combatir-la-evasion-fiscal-noticia/
- RTP, 21-11-2021, Apoio das instituicoes um retrato da pobreza española https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/economia/apoio-das-instituicoes-um-retrato-da-pobreza-espanhola_v1357547
- CHINADAILY, 05-10-2021 , Tourism sector sets out on road to recovery https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202110/05/WS615b9107a310cdd39bc6d12d.html
- CGTN, 23/09/2021, Spains bn plan to tackle high energy prices https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2021-09-23/Spain-s-3bn-plan-to-tackle-high-energy-prices-13M6jtYOdjy/index.html
- DW Español, 24/07/2021, Renta Básica Universal, ¿viable en America Latina? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcOjDG3t0xM
- THE CONVERSATION, 21/06/2021, Los riesgos estructurales del sistema de pensiones publicas de España
https://theconversation.com/los-riesgos-estructurales-del-sistema-de-pensiones-publicas-de-espana-164045 - CHINA DAILY, 28/05/2021, China takes spot of UK top import source http://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202106/05/WS60babd46a31024ad0bac3c68.html
- THE CONVERSATION, 28/04/2021, Las ventajas de una mochila austriaca en la vida laboral de los trabajadores españoles
https://theconversation-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/theconversation.com/amp/las-ventajas-de-una-mochila-austriaca-en-la-vida-laboral-de-los-trabajadores-espanoles-161242 - HUFFPOST, 24/05/2021, Las ventajas de una mochila austriaca en la vida laboral de los trabajadores españoles
https://www.huffingtonpost.es/entry/las-ventajas-de-una-mochila-austriaca-en-la-vida-laboral-de-los-trabajadores-espanoles_es_60ab7054e4b03135479952dd?ncid=other_email_o63gt2jcad4&utm_campaign=share_email - AMERICA ECONOMIA, Nos espera una burbuja como los años 1920 https://www.americaeconomia.com/analisis-opinion/nos-espera-una-burbuja-como-los-anos-1920
- EL PAIS URUGUAY, 29/04/2021, ¿Nos espera una burbuja como los años 1920?
https://www.elpais.com.uy/economia-y-mercado/espera-burbuja-anos-siglo-pasado.html - MARTES FINANCIERO, 06/04/2021, ¿Nos espera una burbuja como los años 1920?
https://www.martesfinanciero.com/voz-calificada/nos-espera-una-burbuja-como-los-anos-1920/ - LISTIN DIARIO, 21/04/2021, ¿Nos espera una burbuja como los años 1920? https://listindiario.com/economia/2021/04/21/667004/nos-espera-una-burbuja-como-los-anos-1920
- LA NACION, 21/04/2021, ¿Nos espera una burbuja como los años 1920?http://foco.lanacion.com.py/2021/04/19/nos-espera-una-burbuja-como-los-anos-1920/
- MARTES FINANCIERO, 21/04/2021, ¿Nos espera una burbuja como los años 1920?
https://www.martesfinanciero.com/voz-calificada/nos-espera-una-burbuja-como-los-anos-1920/ - AMERICA ECONOMIA, 21/04/2021, ¿Nos espera una burbuja como los años 1920?
https://www.americaeconomia.com/analisis-opinion/nos-espera-una-burbuja-como-los-anos-1920 - CHINA DAILY, 02/02/2021, Chinas service trade up 3.5% in 2020 https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202102/02/WS6018a8dea31024ad0baa69ca.html
- HANDELSBLATT, 30/03/2021, Strukturreformen: Arbeitslosigkeit für Spanien steigt auf 16,1 Prozent – doch das wahre Ausmaß der Krise zeigt diese Zahl noch nicht https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/strukturreformen-arbeitslosigkeit-fuer-spanien-steigt-auf-16-1-prozent-doch-das-wahre-ausmass-der-krise-zeigt-diese-zahl-noch-nicht/26858608.html
- DINHEIRO VIVO, 02/01/2021, Há grandes desafios económicos globais. Esforcemo-nos por fazer um mundo melhor em 2021 https://www.dinheirovivo.pt/opiniao/ha-grandes-desafios-economicos-globais-esforcemo-nos-por-fazer-um-mundo-melhor-em-2021-13281205.html
- IE INSIGHTS, January 2021, Brexit Springs Eternal https://www.ie.edu/insights/articles/brexit-springs-eternal/
- EL PAIS, 09/01/2021, Los desafíos que llegan con 2021 https://elpais.com/economia/2021-01-09/los-desafios-que-llegan-con-2021.html
- NEWSWEEK, 30/11/2020, Mitch McConnell’s Stimulus Deal Dismissed by Economists as Inadequate
https://www.newsweek.com/mitch-mcconnell-stimulus-deal-economists-latest-1551724 - THE MAG, Gayle Allard
https://themag.uz/post/gejl-allard - IE INSIGHT 05/11/2020, Finding Common Ground in a Divided America
https://www.ie.edu/insights/articles/finding-common-ground-in-a-divided-america/ - NEWSWEEK, 09/11/2020, How Markets Reacted to 2020 Election as Biden Declares Victory
https://www.newsweek.com/markets-election-2020-stocks-donald-trump-joe-biden-1540923 - RTVE, 19/09/2020, Tertulia NEUDC
https://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/no-es-un-dia-cualquiera/tertulia-neudc-2020-09-19t10-47-082101339/5666157/ - https://ie.workplace.com/groups/1745013392439870/permalink/2740005429607323/
- PORTAFOLIO, 06/09/2020, Miedo al virus, factor tras las caídas económicas históricas
https://www.portafolio.co/internacional/miedo-al-virus-factor-tras-las-caidas-economicas-historicas-544232 - CHINA DAILY, 17/08/2020, Virus outbreak sends shockwaves through economies
https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202008/17/WS5f3a1619a310834817260c5c.html - CNBC,
https://signal-b8a392cec433.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/234867430/e9408afb0b21289bc30663b1/CNBCEU_08-10-2020_09.36.05.mp4 - CHINADAILY, 23/07/2020, Facing the challenges of negative interest rates, https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202007/23/WS5f18f764a31083481725b952.html
- EL PAIS, 04/07/2020, Las lagunas del ingreso mínimo vital https://elpais.com/economia/2020-07-04/las-lagunas-del-ingreso-minimo-vital.html
- EL UNIVERSO, 22/06/2020, ¿Tipos de interés negativos en EE.UU., Reino Unido o Europa? https://www.eluniverso.com/opinion/2020/06/22/nota/7880352/tipos-interes-negativos-eeuu-reino-unido-o-europa
- GESTION, 21/06/2020, Tipos de interés negativos en EE.UU., Reino Unido o Europa serían una gran ayuda para animar las economías latinoamericanas https://gestion.pe/?signwallPremium=1&ref=/opinion/tipos-de-interes-negativos-en-eeuu-reino-unido-o-europa-serian-una-gran-ayuda-para-animar-las-economias-latinoamericanas-noticia/
- EL PAIS, 20/06/2020, Tipos de interés negativos: EE. UU., Reino Unido, Europa https://www.elpais.com.uy/economia-y-mercado/tipos-interes-negativos-ee-uu-reino-unido-europa.html
- IE INSIGHTS, 20/06/2020, El nuevo resurgir de África https://www.ie.edu/insights/es/podcasts/el-nuevo-resurgir-de-africa/
- NOS, 21/06/2020, Voor het eerst krijgen allerarmsten in Spanje geld van de bijstand
https://nos.nl/artikel/2335484-voor-het-eerst-krijgen-allerarmsten-in-spanje-geld-van-de-bijstand.html - ABC, 24/05/2020, Gayle Allard: “Esta crisis tiene una naturaleza regresiva” https://www.abc.es/economia/abci-gayle-allard-crisis-naturaleza-regresiva-202005240313_noticia.html
- PORTAFOLIO, 10/04/2020, Trumponomics se hunden ante el golpe del coronavirus
https://www.portafolio.co/internacional/trumponomics-se-hunden-ante-el-golpe-del-coronavirus-540950 - AMERICAECONOMIA, 11/09/2020, Pros y contras de la renta básica universal https://www.americaeconomia.com/analisis-opinion/pros-y-contras-de-la-renta-basica-universal
- FRANCE 24, 10/04/2020, Renta básica universal: debate se reactiva en el mundo en medio del COVID-19
https://www.france24.com/es/20200410-renta-basica-universal-debate-covid19 - LINKEDIN, 27/03/2020 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6648485771453968384/
- FRANCE24, 24/03/2020, Economías en pausa: cuarentena empuja a los gobiernos hacia el estado de bienestar https://www.france24.com/es/20200324-econom%C3%ADas-en-pausa-cuarentena-empuja-a-los-gobiernos-hacia-el-estado-de-bienestar
- THE CONVERSATION, 25/02/2020, Coronavirus: cómo puede lastrar el crecimiento económico mundial
http://theconversation.com/coronavirus-como-puede-lastrar-el-crecimiento-economico-mundial-133265 - FORTUNA, 10/03/2020, Cómo afecta la economía global el coronavirus https://fortuna.perfil.com/2020-03-10-209893-como-afecta-la-economia-global-el-coronavirus/
- AMERICAECONOMIA, 14/03/2020, ¿Qué puede suponer el coronavirus en el momento de mayor endeudamiento de la historia? https://www.americaeconomia.com/analisis-opinion/que-puede-suponer-el-coronavirus-en-el-momento-de-mayor-endeudamiento-de-la
- Vodafone Empresas, 12/02/2020, Economic Impact of Coronavirus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pv287UG2FY
- PORTAFOLIO, 03/03/2020, La Fed apretó el botón del pánico para apoyar la global
https://www.portafolio.co/economia/fed-apreto-el-boton-del-panico-para-apoyar-la-global-538693 - EL PAIS, 15/01/2020, El dólar está convirtiendo al euro en América Latina https://www.elpais.com.uy/economia-y-mercado/dolar-convirtiendo-euro-america-latina.html
- ABC, 03/02/2020, La productividad vuelve a perder paso en la recuperación económica
https://www.abc.es/economia/abci-productividad-vuelve-perder-paso-recuperacion-economica-202002030229_noticia.html - EL CORNISTA, 29/01/2020, Ventajas y desventajas de la dolarización
https://www.cronista.com/columnistas/Ventajas-y-desventajas-de-la-dolarizacion-20200129-0038.html - AMERICA ECONMIA, 11/09/2020, ¿Se puede dar marcha atrás a la dolarización o la euroización?
- EL PAIS URUGUAY, 04/11/2024, ¿Cómo va la salida del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea? Un análisis del Brexit
https://negocios.elpais.com.uy/noticias/salida-reino-unido-union-europea-analisis-brexit.html - DIARIO FINANCIERO, 05/11/2019, Ahora en DF: Cronología del Brexit https://www.df.cl/noticias/internacional/politica/ahora-en-df-cronologia-del-brexit/2019-11-05/111627.html
- AMERICAECONOMIA, 04/11/2019, Videoanálisis: ¿Cómo va el Brexit y qué viene tras vencerse la segunda prórroga? https://www.americaeconomia.com/economia-mercados/comercio/videoanalisis-como-va-el-brexit-y-que-viene-tras-vencerse-la-segunda
- GESTION, 28/10/2019, Reino Unido debe decidir entre los beneficios evidentes del comercio libre o ser más pequeño con su soberanía intacta https://www.eleconomista.net/actualidad/Videoanalisis-Como-va-el-BREXIT-20191104-0021.html
- GESTION, 25/10/2019, Reino Unido debe decidir entre los beneficios evidentes del comercio libre o ser más pequeño con su soberanía intacta https://gestion.pe/opinion/reino-unido-debe-decidir-entre-los-beneficios-evidentes-del-comercio-libre-o-ser-mas-pequeno-con-su-soberania-intacta-noticia/
- EL PAIS URUGUAY, 25/10/2019, ¿Cuán duro será el Brexit? https://www.elpais.com.uy/economia-y-mercado/cuan-duro-sera-brexit.html
- EL SOL DE MEXICO, 24/10/2019, Reino Unido: entre los beneficios del Brexit o ser el país más pobre de la UE https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/mundo/reino-unido-entre-los-beneficios-del-brexit-o-ser-el-pais-mas-pobre-de-la-ue-4373196.html
- LA PRENSA, 25/10/2019, Reino Unido debe decidir entre los beneficios evidentes del comercio libre o ser país más pequeño y más pobre con su soberanía intacta https://www.laprensa.com.ni/2019/10/25/economia/2603971-reino-unido-debe-decidir-entre-los-beneficios-evidentes-del-comercio-libre-o-ser-pais-mas-pequeno-y-mas-pobre-con-su-soberania-intacta
- EL ECONOMISTA, 21/10/2019, Banco Centrales: ¿Pueden afrontar los nuevos retos económicos?
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https://www.ie.edu/insights/articles/beyond-peak-china/ - Allard, Gayle, Williams, Christopher and Hailemariam, Atsede Tesfaye (2022). Exploring entrepreneurial innovation in Ethiopia. Research Policy, vol. 51 (104599): August 2022.
- Allard, Gayle and Williams, Christopher. (2020). National-level innovation in Africa. Research Policy, Vol. 49(7): September 2020. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048733320301529?via%3Dihub
- Williams, Christopher; Allard, Gayle. (2017). University – Industry Collaboration in R&D: The Role of Labor Market Rigidity. R&D Management. https://doi.org/10.1111/radm.12282
- Allard, G. J. and Bolorinos, J. K. (2016). The MOOC Revolution: The Search for Revenues and its Implications for Higher Education. Journal of Academic Perspectives., Vol.2016(3).
- Allard, G. J. and Farber, V. A. (2016). Into the Abyss: Occupational Segregation of Spanish Immigrants in the Spanish Crisis 2006-2012. Journal of Business Theory and Practice , Vol.4(1).
- Allard, G. J. (2015). Science and Technology Capacity in Africa: A New Index. Journal of African Studies and Development, Vol.7(6): 137 – 147.
- Allard, G. J. (2014). Science and Technology Capacity in Africa: A New Index. 2nd Biennial Africa Academy of Management Conference
- Allard, G. J. and Farber, V. A. (2014). Más allá de la crisis: el empleo juvenil en España, 2006 a 2012. Revista española de desarrollo y cooperación
- Allard, G., Martínez, C. A., Williams, C. (2012). Political instability, pro-business market reforms and national systems of innovation. Research Policy, Vol.41(3): 638 – 651.
- Allard, G. J. and Farber, V. A. (2012). Occupational segregation in Spain: Differential treatment of immigrants. Thunderbird International Business Review: Special Issue, Vol.54(1): 29 – 43.
- Allard, G. J. and Martínez, C. A. (2010). Drivers of internet usage: the case of Africa. The E-Business Review, Vol.0(): 147 – 152.
- Allard, G. J. and Martinez, C. A. (2010). Foreign direct investment and social policy: the links in developing countries. The Journal of Business in Developing Nations, Vol.11(): 77 – 113.
- Allard, G. J. and Garot, M. J. (2010). The impact of the new labor law in China: new hiring strategies for foreign firms?. Revista Direito GV, Vol.6(2): 527 – 540.
- Allard, G. J. and Martinez, C. J. (2009). The Influence of Social Policy on Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries.. The Journal of Business in Developing Nations, Vol.11(): 77 – 112.
- Allard, G. J. and Cheng, A. (2009). Public-Private Partnerships in the Spanish Health Care Sector. European Public Private Partnership Law Review (EPPPL), Vol.2(2): 82 – 87.
- Allard, G. (2008). Public-Private partnerships in the Spanish health sector: The management challenge. International Business and Economic Research Journal , Vol.7(2): 1 – 24.
- Allard, G. J. and Trabant, A. (2008). Public-Private Partnerships in Spain: Lessons and Opportunities. International Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol.7(2): 1 – 24.
- Allard, G. J. and Lindert, P. H. (2007). Euro-productivity and Euro-jobs since the 1960s: Which institutions really mattered?. NBER Working Paper365 – 394.
- Allard, G. J., Martin, R., Simón, C. (2007). Competitividad y Relación Laboral en el Siglo XXI: Una Comparativa Europea. Harvard Deusto Business Review, Vol.154(154): 66 – 73.
- Allard, G. (2004). The Spanish Unemployment Miracle. International Business and Economics Research Journal
Non-refereed publications
- Allard, G. J. and Farber, V. A. Occupational Segregation. Business Leadership Forum.
- Allard, G. J. (2014). Technology and jobs: where will your job be tomorrow?. Ideas (IE alumni magazine)24 – 26.
- Allard, G. J. (2008). The war of the 21st century: The battle for talent. Business Leadership Forum151 – 178.
- Allard, G. J. and Simón, C. (2007). European employment challenges in the 21st century: Capturing talent and Generation Y. Business Leadership Forum
- Allard, G. (2007). Public-private partnerships en España y el Reino Unido: Oportunidades y retos. PwC-IE Center for the Public Sector
- Allard, G. J. and Trabant, A. (2006). Public-Private Partnerships in Spain: Lessons and Opportunities. Business Leadership Forum119 – 148.
- Allard, G. J. (2005). US foreign direct investment and the modernization of the Spanish economy. Business Leadership Forum163 – 178.
- Allard, G. J. and Simón, C. (2005). Competitiveness and the employment relationship in the 21st century: A European perspective. Business Leadership Forum205 – 229.
- Allard, G. J. (2004). Spain´s unemployment miracle: Was it an institutional story?. Business Leadership Forum193 – 208.
- Allard, G. J. (2003). Solving The European Unemployment Puzzle: The Impact Of Policies On Labor Markets. Business Leadership Forum187 – 208.
Books, Chapter of books and Monographs
- Allard, G.J. (2018) Trade, Immigration and Exchange rates in a Globalized World: A Reader. etextbook publisher itsmorethanatextbook.com https://www.itsmorethanatextbook.com/books/book_120/homepage/index.php
- Allard, G.J., The European Union: Integration and Disintegration. etextbook publisher itsmorethanatextbook.com https://www.itsmorethanatextbook.com/books/book_116/homepage/index.php
- Allard, G.J. (2017) Country Economic Analysis Reader. etextbook publisher itsmorethanatextbook.com https://www.itsmorethanatextbook.com/books/book_98/homepage/index.php
- Allard, G.J. (2017). ”España en perspectiva comparada”. La Felicidad De Los Españoles. Coord. Por Julio Iglesias De Ussel, Rebeca De Juan Díaz. pp. 65-80. ISSN/ISBN: 9788430971367
- Allard, G. J. (2016). Estudio de un caso práctico: La Reforma de la Capitalización del Paro. De la idea política a la realidad: el ReformKompass como herramienta para planificar reformas: ch. 4 (121. Barcelona: Fundacion Bertelsmann.
- Allard, G.J. (2015) Managerial Economics. etextbook published at itsmorethanatextbook.com https://www.itsmorethanatextbook.com/books/book_27/homepage/index.php
- Allard, G.J. (2015) Managerial Economics, Spanish version. etextbook published at itsmorethanatextbook.com https://www.itsmorethanatextbook.com/books/book_54/homepage/index.php
- Allard, G. J. (2014). A different kind of investor? Chinese FDI in Latin America, In Bryan Christiansen (Eds.). Economic Growth and Technological Change in Latin America. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global Advances in Finance, Accounting, and Economics (AFAE) series http://bit.ly/XGHCc6.
- Allard, G. J. (2012). Is Chinese FDI in Africa Different?, In Alon, I., Fetcherin, M., Gugler, P. (Eds.). Chinese International Investments: 13/279-299. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Allard, G., Cheng, A., López, M. T., et al. (2010). Colaboración Público-Privada en la Protección a la Dependencia. Madrid: Editorial IE.
- Allard, G. J. and Simón, C. (2008). Competitiveness and the employment relationship in Europe: Is there a missing link in Global HRM?, In Lawler, J.J., Hundley, G., Cheng, J.L. and Hitt, M.A. (Eds.). The Global Diffusion Of Human Resource Practices: Institutional And Cultural Limits: 9-32. Bingley: JAI Press – Emerald Group Publishing.
- Allard, G. J. (2008). La PPP en España: Oportunidades y Lecciones. Estrategias para un Gobierno Eficaz. Madrid: LID Editorial Empresarial.
- Allard, G. J. and Lindert, P. H. (2007). Euro-productivity and Euro-jobs since the 1960s: Which institutions really mattered?, In Hatton, T.J., O Rourke, K.H., Taylor, A.M. (Eds.). The New Comparative Economic History: Essays In Honor Of Jeffrey G. Williamson: 365-394. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Allard, G. J. (2006). Spain´s unemployment miracle: Was it an institutional story?, In Roufagalas, John (Eds.). Resource Allocation and Institutions: Explorations in Economics, Finance and Law: 91-104. Athens: Athens Institute for Eduacation and Research.
- Allard, G. and Trabant, A. (2006). La Tercera Vía: En La Frontera Entre Publico y Privado. Madrid: PwC-ie Center for the Public Sector.
- Allard, G. J. and Pampillón, R. (2005). US Foreign Direct Investment in Spain. Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano.
- Allard, G. J., Jimeno, J. F., Escudero, M. (2004). The Labor Market in Spain: Analysis and Reforms. Madrid.
- Allard, G. J. and Lindert , P. H. (2004). Reconciling unemployment and growth in the OECD. Growing Public: Social Spending and Economic Growth Since the 18th Century: 100-121. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Contemporary Spanish Culture. Routledge.
- Allard, G. J. and Bolorinos, J. (1996). Spain to 2005: Making Room for the Private Sector. London: The Economist Intelligence Unit.
- Allard, G. J., Bolorinos, J., Jenkins, C. (1992). Spain to 2000: A Question of Convergence. London: The Economist Intelligence Unit.
Interactive and traditional cases
Economic Policy Dilemma (2022), single-player game to discover the dynamics of economic policy and popularity
Allard, G. J. (2018) “Ethiopia II. Doing Business at Bottom of the Pyramid”. IE Publishing Allard, G. J. (2016) “Cost theory and market structures”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2016) “Production costs, revenues and profits in perfect competition: business at the base of the pyramid”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J., Bolorinos, J. (2015) “A Rose by any Other Name? Socially Conscious Investment in Ethiopia”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2014) “Ethiopia: Life and Business at the Base of the Pyramid?”. IE Publishing Allard, G. J. (2013) “Providing Quality Health Care Under Budget Constraints: A Case Studyof the Manises PPP Experience”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2012) “Ten Downing Street: A Policy Game”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J., Bonfiglio, A. (2012) “African Parks: An NGO in Action Saving Africa ́s Wilderness”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2012) “Markets in Motion”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2012) “Economic Superpowers: Projecting GDP Shares into the Future”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2012) “EconTrader”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2010) “Breaking the Mold in Africa: An Interactive Study of Development”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2009) “World Oil Prices. An Economic Approach”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2009) “Making Money on Oil: An interactive game”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2007) “Country Investment Decision”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J., Iglesias, O., Tena, M. (2006) “Sky Wars: The Airbus-Boeing Controversy”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2006) “Exploring the U.S. Economy”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2005) “Economic Policy Simulator”. IE Publishing
Allard, G. J. (2005) “Data and Indicators for Country Analysis”. IE Publishing